Sunday, July 15, 2012

Silence is a golden bullet

Sometimes you want total silence. Sometimes it’s as scary as can be.

Trying to get some things done in the office. Cartoons are on and I’m trying to do paperwork. Mommy ears tune in and, knowing that the one-year-old can’t make it through a whole 30 minute show without getting totally bored, I wonder what he’s doing that he’s so quiet. I quietly climb over the baby gate that I have barricading my office door and sneak into the kitchen.

I find the one-year-old sitting in a pile of cheerios on the floor. He’d dumped out the box and had both arms in up to his shoulders. Searching for something? Who knows. He was making a mess, no more than usual though. So I left him be, he was happy, and I retreated back to the other side of my barricade. I’ll vacuum later.

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