Sunday, July 15, 2012

Silence is a golden bullet

Sometimes you want total silence. Sometimes it’s as scary as can be.

Trying to get some things done in the office. Cartoons are on and I’m trying to do paperwork. Mommy ears tune in and, knowing that the one-year-old can’t make it through a whole 30 minute show without getting totally bored, I wonder what he’s doing that he’s so quiet. I quietly climb over the baby gate that I have barricading my office door and sneak into the kitchen.

I find the one-year-old sitting in a pile of cheerios on the floor. He’d dumped out the box and had both arms in up to his shoulders. Searching for something? Who knows. He was making a mess, no more than usual though. So I left him be, he was happy, and I retreated back to the other side of my barricade. I’ll vacuum later.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Everyone should only work 4 days a week. I was thinking Wednesday would be a nice day to have off. I had a job once where Wednesday was the day off I chose to take and it never felt like I had a Monday to deal with, just a Thursday and Friday, twice a week. It’s a fantastic break up of the week. Imagine how productive you’d be if you only had to work two days at a time, you’d always have a break to look forward to, in a positive-crunch-time sort of way.

Tuesday and Thursday would be terrible days to have off. You’d either always call in sick (and by sick I mean disinterested) on Mondays or Fridays. Yeah, Wednesday is good.

The problem is that if EVERYONE had Wednesday off, you couldn’t run any Solution: 1/3 of the population takes Mondays off, another 1/3 takes Wednesdays off, and the rest take Fridays off. Man, do I have it figured out or what!?....of course I’m self-employed, so it doesn’t apply to me...I work 8 days a week.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Down on the corner

Went for a walk with the kids to get them out of the house. It was overcast but at least it wasn’t raining. The gray clouds brought out the green in the mountains so much it looked like I could expect to see a dinosaur walking down the slope at any moment. I never cared for Jurassic Park all that much as a kid, except for the beauty of it’s surroundings.

I live in a small town completely surrounded by mountains, and this time of year, it’s especially beautiful. I couldn’t stop staring at the landscape so much so that I nearly walked into a mailbox. Just kidding, we don’t have mail boxes here. It was a parked car, and really embarrassing.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The car wash

Took my new (to me) vehicle through the car wash in town for the first time. It’s much bigger than the Explorer I used to have. Now I have an Excursion, which is at least 50% larger, I’m sure. So trying to be efficient with my time, I took a spray bottle and rag with me and gave the interior a good wipe down while the car wash did the rest.

The car was dark. I would have been better off just relaxing and drinking my coffee in the car wash because you can’t detail in the dark!  I realized this halfway through and put the cleaner away (besides not being able to open the window...choke, choke). Then I sneezed and spilled coffee, (fortunately?) on my leg, not my cloth seats.

Time to drive through the “spot-free” dryer, which is a joke. 60 seconds will not get you spot free. Plus, my car being a lot longer than I remember, I just got the windshield mostly dry.

IF ONLY they would keep the dryer on a timer for 2 minutes, I may have the chance for a spot-free dry. But then again, I doubt I would sit there for 2 minutes, especially if someone were waiting to get in.

When I lived in South Florida, there was this awesome car wash that you drove up to, picked your wash from a menu bigger than most diners have, wait in the waiting room, and 15 minutes later you’ve got a new-looking car, in and out. So worth the $25.

So now I spend $8 and have something to write about.