Friday, June 22, 2012

Stating the obvious

"A day without sunshine is, you know, night" -Steve Martin

You don't get a whole lot more obvious than that.

Welcome to my blog. This is my first post on my first blog. I decided to start writing one because, today, I was inspired. A good friend of mine, Ivy, started writing a blog about women's involvement in men's fashion. It was brilliant. It was then that I thought, "I should write one" but didn't really know what to write about. Another good friend of mine, who I've known my entire life, suggested Alaska.

Well, DuH!?! Why didn't I think of that. I live in Alaska. It's truly a unique experience, really. 6 years ago I lived in sunny Florida. Now I live in a place where the sun doesn't set in the summertime. I am looking forward to sharing with you my experiences of living in Alaska as well as sharing my experiences of living in several states throughout the US.

I will be posting some random things that come up, and yes, I have children, so you'll occasionally hear about them too. :)

I've had a lot of questions come by me like, "Do you have street lights in Alaska?", "You mean there are restaurants?"  Alaska is unique and yet has a lot of similarities to everywhere. People live normal lives here. (Define normal?)
You'll see.
Then you'll come visit.

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